Game experts, educators, and parents everywhere agree — Candygrams is a hit!
“This is a great game. It uses all the intelligence of Scrabble and Bananagrams, but adds an extra element of fun and inventiveness. Great fun for adults and younger people alike.”
“Simple to learn, fun to play. I like that it comes in a compact box which fits easily in my saddle bag.”
“What makes this such an exceptional game is that it is fun for adults as well as kids. We had a blast playing it late one night with good friends and using the rule that all words had to fit a theme. It got really creative.”
“I really loved this game. I am a teacher and this game helps promote critical and flexible thinking. It also allows for different entry points, so kids of different language skills could play together successfully.”
“I am a huge fan of fun and games and this fits right in.”
“My roommates and I love this game. We found it at a local brewery one night and just wanted something casual to play but we ended up totally addicted! ”
“I would highly recommend it for any classroom. Learning and having fun at the same time!”
“Not only is this game fun to play with friends and family, but my 4th graders love it, too! They are thrilled when I pull out the Candygrams game during rainy indoor recess or as a break in our regular word study routine. I highly recommend it to all teachers!”
“Love this game for my family and will buy more for presents. Nothing like a board game for fun, laughter and connection around the table — without digital/electronics!”